
351: Matei Visniec’s Theater: Between East and West

3:30 PM–4:45 PM Friday, Jan 4, 2019 (US - Central)

Sheraton Grand - Arkansas

Session Information

Description: Born in Romania, Visniec now lives in France. In his works, the political and the social are always strong points of interest as explored by the characters’ dynamic dialogues. Panelists discuss how theater and performance are much needed in today’s conflicting and violent international context and how the stage becomes an international platform where we are more than passive members but instead are transformed by the spectacle.


Crina Bud, York U

Oana Chivoiu, South Louisiana Community C

Oana Sabo, Tulane U

Florina Catalina Florescu, Pace U, NY

Catalina Botez, U of Konstanz
