
693: United States Infrastructures: Capital, Empire, Forms

12:00 PM–1:15 PM Sunday, Jan 6, 2019 (US - Central)

Hyatt Regency - Roosevelt 3

Session Information

Description: This session develops a cultural history of infrastructures in the United States from the early republic to the present. Building on the insights of contemporary infrastructuralists, panelists elaborate the various social, economic, political, and ecological ramifications of infrastructural forms: the outward forms of an imperially expansive market logic that generates recurrent financial crises, widespread economic precarity, and ecological crises on a planetary scale.


Stephanie LeMenager, U of Oregon


John Levi Barnard, C of Wooster

Christian Haines, Dartmouth C

Andrew Kopec, Purdue U, Fort Wayne

Priscilla B. Wald, Duke U

Stephanie Foote, West Virginia U, Morgantown
